For hosts in the local network that might be accessible through a local router or bridge, see Listing 23. 对于本地网络中可以通过本地路由器或网桥访问的主机,参见清单23。
In 2012, local governments and banks offered bridge loans to 62 companies near the eastern city of Hangzhou to keep them afloat after the collapse of a single property developer at the centre of a web of reciprocal loan guarantees. 2012年,华东城市杭州附近的地方政府和银行向62家公司提供过桥贷款,使这些公司能够维持运营&原因是置身于一个互惠贷款担保蛛网中心的一家房地产开发商崩溃。
Ba People Spring: spring here is sweet, flow out whole year, it is the living spring of local folks in Carry Cangue Bridge. 巴人泉――此山泉甘甜,常年不绝,是背枷桥一带山民赖以生存的一汪灵泉。
Local scour depth around bridge pier is a very important parameter in design of sea-crossing bridge base. 桥墩周围局部冲刷深度是跨海大桥基础设计的重要参数。
Charge: Local people build a bridge by themselves over the small lake, tourist who passes must pay2 yuan. 《收费》当地居民在小湖上自行搭建了一座小桥,游客走过去拍照必须交费2元。
Local scour around bridge foundations has been recognized as one of the main causes of bridge failures. 桥墩位于天然河道中,由于局部冲刷导致周围冲刷坑产生,致使桥梁本身安全受到危害。
Bridges: A Cultural Symbol in Local Social Network Bridge Construction by People in San-men-tang of Guizhou Since the Ming Qing Dynasties and Its Significance 桥:地方社会脉络下的文化符号&明清以来贵州三门塘人的修桥活动及其意义
Its local sour at bridge pier is different from that of alluvial channels. 建桥后,桥墩局部冲刷与一般冲积河流不同。
Practice proves that the test and study in the paper can satisfy the requirements for simulating the whole construction process and for testing the local parts of the Bridge structure, and the final results achieved are satisfactory. 实践表明,试验研究方案满足模拟施工全过程以及对结构局部测试的要求,取得了令人满意的结果。
The Study on Bridge Style Design of Local Road Separation Bridge 对上跨高速路地方道路立交桥桥型设计的认识
The paper proposed the necessity of bridge style beautification design for local road separation bridge. 提出对上跨高速公路的地方道路立交桥的桥型结构进行美化设计的必要性,从美学造型角度阐述了结构选型的若干原则要求;
With the local economic situation, bridge construction period and quality being covered, the construction scheme and economical comparison for the bridge were carefully considered. 考虑到当地的实际情况以及桥梁工期、进度、质量的特殊性,在此,将论述西环路桥梁的施工方案和经济对比。
Experimental Study on Local Scour Around Bridge Piers by Wave and Current 波流共同作用下大型桥墩周围局部冲刷实验研究
Experimental study on local scour of bridge pier foundation in construction duration 桥墩基础施工河床局部冲刷研究
The pedestrian bridge with taper section in exceeding load state undergoes deflection, distribution of internal force, inherence frequency and model calculation, and an analysis is made on the global and local stability of the bridge. 对一座变截面刚架人行天桥在超负荷运营情况下进行了变形、内力分布以及结构的固有自振频率和振型计算,并根据计算结果对天桥结构作了整体稳定性和局部稳定性分析。
A Study on Non-dimensional Formula of Local Scour Around Bridge Piers and Abutments 无量纲桥墩局部冲刷公式分析研究
Mechanism of apron protection against local scour on bridge pier and abutment 桥梁墩台的护坦防护局部冲刷深度计算
Synthetical Review of Calculation Methods for Non-clay Local Scour Around Bridge Pier 国内外非粘性土桥墩局部冲刷计算方法综述
Research on Local Scour at Bridge Piers under Tidal Current Action 潮流作用下桥墩局部冲刷研究
Research on Local Scour Around the Bridge Piers Using Numerical Simulations with Fluent and HEC-RAS Models 用Fluent和HEC-RAS对桥墩周围冲刷的数值研究
The analysis data from the investigations and measures have shown that the maximum depth of local scour of bridge piers usually occurs in the corner of upstream to bridge piers, and this phenomenon is briefly analysed in this paper. 分析调查、实测资料发现岩石桥墩局部冲恻最大深度的部位往往在墩上游转折处,对此现象作了初浅分析。
In this paper, scale models are used to study local scour around bridge piers and abutments, and the scour pit pattern and maximum scour depth, which may serve as a reference for engineering design, are given. 采用系列模型试验方法,对具体工程大型桥墩在水流和波流共同作用下的局部冲刷分别进行研究,提出了冲刷坑形态和最大冲刷深度,供工程设计参考。
The Computation on Local Scour around Bridge Pier in Layered Soil Bed 分层土壤桥墩局部冲刷的计算
Local scour at bridge pier of broad-shallow and shifting channels in Xinjiang 新疆宽浅变迁河流桥墩局部冲刷研究
Generally speaking, marine diesel engine can be operated and controlled at Local, ECR and Bridge Room. 船舶主机一般可以在机旁、集控室和驾驶台三个操作部位进行操作和控制。
Water flow and sediment motion around bridge pier is very complex. There are many factors in local scour around bridge pier. The related researches are widely performed and lots of great results are obtained by domestic and foreign scholars. 桥墩周围水流泥沙运动十分复杂,影响桥墩局部冲刷的因素众多,国内外众多学者对其进行了广泛的研究,取得了许多重要的成果,但仍然存在很多争议之处,需要进一步研究。
This paper used spacial finite element analysis method for the whole bridge and fine finite element analysis method for the local section of the bridge deck, systematically analysed deformation and stress of the whole bridge, local stress of key parts of the bridge deck. 本文采用全桥空间有限元整体分析和桥面系节段精细有限元局部分析相结合的方法,对该桥的整体变形和受力状态及关键部位局部受力状态作分析研究。
At the same time, complex flow structure was formed near the bridge piers and watercourse, local scour around bridge pier was produced. 同时,在桥墩附近和河道内形成复杂的水流结构,使桥墩周围产生局部冲刷。而由于水流流态的改变,有效过水面积的减少,桥下流速增大、流向变化,对河岸也产生冲刷。
In Zhang Yang emotional life, while neo-classical poetry is to look back to the way local frame build a bridge leading to the classical culture. 在张扬感性生命的同时,它正以回望乡土的方式架筑起通向古典文化的桥梁。